It doesn’t matter if you’re a temporary or a permanent carer, just make every moment count cos that’s what matters most. It’s about the experience the kids take away from it… the memories that get made… just that wee bit of happiness.

Rachel went into care with her big sister when she was just 5 years old. She has memories of going into homes for short spells, not knowing anyone and feeling fairly overwhelmed. Her memories as such a young child are of many strangers, lots of changes and plenty of uncertainty.
Happily she goes on to describe her first meeting, 12 years ago, with her now permanent foster parents. She and her sister arrived at the house where another two care experienced sisters were already living, and were instantly ushered off by the children to play before they’d even had a chance to say hello to the carers.
She talks very movingly of her memory of her foster parents asking if she’d like their home to be her forever home. Rachel is still young but comes across as wise beyond her years as she urges anyone thinking about fostering to step up and make every moment count with each child. Short or long term, she feels that providing experiences and helping to create happy memories are what it’s all about.